Water Information

Conservation Efforts

Our water supply is entirely dependent on the snowpack we receive in the winter and seasonal rainfall to recharge our aquifers. Because of this, it is extremely important that our customers use their water wisely and make every effort to conserve water throughout the year. Some helpful hints are as follows:

  • Limit outside irrigation to the least amount possible to keep your vegetation healthy.
  • Water only at night or in the early morning hours.
  • Do not let hoses run unattended.
  • Turn off water taps when brushing teeth and limit the number of baths and duration of showers.
  • If you see your neighbors irrigating their property excessively, talk to them about it. It is your water they are wasting.

Please contact John Bollwinkel at our office if you have any questions regarding conservation.

Listen for Leaks

A tremendous amount of water is wasted each year by residential water leaks and faulty household fixtures.

  • Please monitor your sprinkling system for leaks, and immediately fix any that are found.
  • Listen for leaks within the home. Make sure your toilets don’t leak and your water softener is functioning properly. Faulty toilets and water softeners can waste an enormous amount of water over time if they are not fixed.

Well Protection

In order for us to maintain a safe and viable supply of drinking water, it is important that our wells remain free of contaminants. Please limit your use of fertilizers, chemicals and pesticides, as excessive amounts of these contaminants will permeate into our water supply. Each well has a 100 foot radius well protection zone that must remain free of contaminants. Please use caution when near our wells and pump houses.


Please see the following links for related web sites that might be of interest to you:

Pinebrook Homeowners’ Association – www.pbhoa.org

Pinebrook Master Association – www.pinebrookmasterassn.org

Snyderville Basin Water Reclamation District – www.sbwrd.org