Chevron Pipeline Clearing Project Begins June 23rd

To homeowners whos property boarders the Chevron pipeline that runs through Pinebrook:

Per Tom Denison with Chevron Pipeline:  “Chevron Pipeline Company operates and maintains two 10-inch crude oil pipelines which come over Kimball Junction and traverses over to Emigration Canyon.

To maintain the integrity of the pipelines, one part of Chevron’s ongoing maintenance program is to periodically clear overgrown vegetation from the pipeline right of way. This work will consist of minor tree/brush clearing and trimming and will be limited to the 16.5 foot Chevron Right Of Way [that extends 16.5 feet on either side of the Southernmost of the two parallel pipelines].  No herbicides will be used. Weather permitting the work will begin the week of June 23rd. Chevron will be utilizing a contractor, WPFI, to perform this work. You may have seen their trucks in the area performing Chevron maintenance in the past.

With spring and summer upon us, always remember to call 811 (Blue Stakes of Utah) before you begin any digging or excavation work. It’s the law. Calling before you dig will allow a utility line locator to identify any buried utilities in the area of your digging project at no cost to you. A single post hole project can cause extensive damage to buried infrastructure.”

Please pass along to your friends and neighbors so they are not alarmed by the work being done.